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  • 1.2.2018: Alumni DFG-LFA est référencé sur plateforme alfm.fr, le réseau des anciens élèves des lycées français du monde

8.12.2018: 4 anciens du DFG organisent le 2e TedX Freiburg 2017!

TEDx-Freiburg-whiteGabriel (Abi 2014) et Tobias Brüser (Abi 2008), Gunter Grimm (Abi 2014) et Jonas Krapf (Abi 2015) organisent la grande soirée "TedX-Freiburg" le 8 décembre 2018 au Konzerthaus.

Qu'est-ce que TED: "TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or fewer) delivered by today's leading thinkers and doers. TED's open and free initiatives for spreading ideas include TED.com, where new TED Talk videos are posted daily; the Open Translation Project, which provides subtitles and interactive transcripts as well as translations from thousands of volunteers worldwide; the educational initiative TED-Ed; the annual million-dollar TED Prize, which funds exceptional individuals with a "wish," or idea, to create change in the world; TEDx, which provides licenses to thousands of individuals and groups who host local, self-organized TED-style events around the world; and the TED Fellows program, which selects innovators from around the globe to amplify the impact of their remarkable projects and activities."

Toutes les infos et la liste des "Speakers" sur le site http://www.tedxfreiburg.com/

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